These chapters from our book are made available for your use.
Please respect our intellectual property and do not reproduce themon any large scale without permission from the authors.
In the PDF conversion process some glitches and mistakes occur and we have left graphics looking rough in order to reduce file size.
The graphics in the book look much better...really!
Chapter 3
Why Make Buckskin?
(132.5K pdf download)
Chapter 4
Brief Overview
(11.5 K pdf download)
Chapter 5
Why Wet-Scrape and What Is Dry-Scrape?
(635.5K pdf download)
Chapter 7
Tools (3.5MB! pdf download)
Sharpening (689.7K pdf download)
Chapter 11
Skinning, Heads, Brains & So On
(1.7MB download)
Chapter 12
Care and Storage of Raw Hides
(240.5K pdf download)
Chapter 14
(421.8K pdf download)
Chapter 28
Uses of the Deer
(1.4MB pdf download)
Some have been published in the Society of Primitive Technology Bulletins, some are handouts which we give to our students,
some are online versions of our handbook series, and some are online articles.
Again, please respect our intellectual property and do not reproduce them on any large scale without permission from the authors.
”Learn to Burn” article
Online Journal KNOW
The Dirt on Colors
(400k pdf download)
A Mineral Pigment Primer, Procesing and Using Earth Pigments and Natural Binders.
from SPT Bulletin #15
The California Bay Laurel Tree
Natural History and Uses of the Bay Tree (Umbellularia californica) including roasting the edible nuts which contain a mild stimulant.
Click here to purchase printed handbook.
Stringmaking Handout
(pdf download)
Cordage Fiber Plants Intensive
(pdf download)
Ground Iris:
Native Californian Fiber Plant
Extracting Fiber from the Leaves of Wild Iris, Iris macrosiphon for use as a material in making cordage, string and ropes.
PDF of our handbook of the same name.
Click here to purchase printed handbook.
HTML version of our handbook of the same name.