Ancient Skills Program Kit
Outdoor classroom with in-person instruction
5-6 hours
usually 8:30am-lunch &
1.5 - 2 hours after lunch
Requires additional adults for support, either aides and/or parent volunteers
Hands on necklace projects using:
-pine nut beads,
-wooden beads
-soapstone beads,
-stringmakingGroup ropemaking activity (jumprope)
Hand-drill firemaking practice
bone dice and catch games
hunting tools target practice
Includes “Ancient Skills Handbook” for use by each student.
Take home “Ancient Skills Kit” option available.
Class sizes are limited to 30
and even smaller groups are
preferred in most situationsPlease inquire about options for larger groups
Classroom working together with Zoom instruction
3.5 to 4.5 hours
usually 8:30am-lunch &
1 hour after lunch (optional)
Designed for long distance programs where communication is via the internet.
Hands on necklace and rope fob projects using:
-pine nut beads,
-wooden beads
-soapstone beads,
-stringmaking and
-ropemaking fob (4.5 hr program)Shares firemaking & *hunting tools using recorded videos.
(*selected hunting tools may be available for in school practice outside of program hours)
- please inquire for detailsIncludes “Ancient Skills Kit” for use by each student.
Pre-recorded videos to be shown to students in the days before & after interactive session
Interactive session via internet with the pod in their classroom, with teachers offering in person assistance to students.
Due to working via Zoom,
class sizes are limited 30
and even smaller groups are
preferred in most situations
Please inquire about options
for larger groups
Interactive instruction via Zoom or other platform
3.5 to 4.5 hours
usually 8:30am-lunch &
1 hour after lunch (optional)
Designed for “in home learning” where communication is via the internet.
Hands on necklace and rope fob projects using:
-pine nut beads,
-wooden beads
-soapstone beads,
-stringmaking and
-ropemaking fob (4.5 hr program)Shares firemaking & hunting tools using recorded videos.
Includes “Ancient Skills Kit” for distribution to each student for use in their own home.
Pre-recorded videos to be shown to students in the days before & after interactive session
Interactive session via internet with students in their own homes using Zoom or Google Classroom.
Due to working via Zoom,
class sizes are limited 30
and even smaller groups are
preferred in most situations
Please inquire about options
for larger groups
Digital Programs
(3-7 Topics Shared via video)
3.5 hours usually 9am-lunch
Designed for either “in home learning” or “classroom pod learning”, where all instruction is via the internet.
DOES NOT include any hands on activities
Shares necklace making (pine nut beads, soapstone beads & stringmaking), firemaking, ropemaking, games of chance & hunting tools) using either recorded videos &/or interactive virtual instruction.
Program will be presented via internet to students either in their own homes or in their classrooms.
Tamara scraping a dogbane stick before extracting fiber
Usually presented as a display of samples which the students can touch, handle & ask questions about, combined with a live demonstration of the process.
Common topics for demonstrations are:
Fiber Arts: Cordage Fibers & Netmaking
Wild Foods: Identification & Processing
Braintanning deer skins (Leathermaking)
Flintknapping (Stoneworking)
Program in progress.
Making a “divot” to begin drilling a hole.
Tinder bundle being “blown to flame” after creating the ember with friction.
The programs described here are specific for school situations, both “in school” and “in home”.
Dates are available in the Fall, Winter & Spring months.
With current Covid-19 guidelines being fluid, the exact design of the program can easily be altered slightly to accommodate the situation and current state of affairs.
“In Person” Learning
Distanced “Pod” Learning
Remote “In Home” Learning
Digital Programs
We look forward to working with your students.
to find out about available dates or with questions for more specific information concerning a custom program to fit your needs.
Look at the TOPICS page for a complete description of other topics.
Don't have a large enough group to sponsor a program?
Purchase an Ancient Skills Handbook
Purchase a Necklace Making Kit with video instructions
Check Workshops for upcoming programs
Necklace of very industrious participant.
SUCCESS!! Three 6th graders tending the fire that they created completely on their own.
YouTube Video of Friction Firemaking, Hunting Tools and more.