Fun with Thistles

We disturbed some soil near my cabin last fall and the very opportunistic thistle decided to colonize the area heavily and really thrived this past winter and spring; so I’ve been keeping an eye on it with the goal of harvesting them at the perfect time.
Despite their prickly defenses, thistle is a very edible plant, with each part offering a tasty treat if the timing is right and you are willing to take the effort and or risk of extracting it.
Disclaimer: Be sure that you have properly identified any wild plant before eating it.
Two weeks ago before they started flowering was the best for the stems, leaves and roots.
Click and hover on each photo for a description

Yesterday, once they had started flowering was the best for extracting the fiber and playing with the flowers.
Since this patch is trying to naturalize itself in a new area, I am paying particular attention to keeping it from going to seed.