98.6: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive!
98.6: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive!
How to Survive Fear, Panic and the Biggest Outdoor Killers!
by Cody Lundin
Practical and entertainingly written overview of basic concepts of surviving in the out of doors.
Although Cody is himself well versed in ancient living skills, this book focuses on essential knowledge and techniques utilizing minimal modern materials that can be of tremendous help.
Cody has been a friend and colleague for several decades and many hours have been spent around the ancestral skills gatherings fires. His specialty has always been going out with minimal gear and he remains #1 on the list of who you would want with you in that situation. He gained renown on the reality TV show called “Dual Survivor” where he was able to share his knowledge of surviving in difficult situations with countless people.
215 pages
6” x 9” x .5
list price $18.99
(Gibbs Smith Publishing)
When All Hell Breaks Loose
Camping and Woodcraft
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Wild Wisdom of Weeds