Never Alone: A Solo Arctic Survival Journey
Never Alone: A Solo Arctic Survival Journey
by Woniya Dawn Thibeault
349 pages
Woniya attended her first ancient skills gathering (Rabbitstick) when she was 19 and subsequently took her first braintanning workshop from Paleotechnics at Pt Reyes National Seashore through a workshop series offered by the Miwok Archaeological Preserve of Marin.
Within just a few years, her talent, skill and dedication to living close to the earth was obvious to everyone and she quickly became a prominent fixture in the Ancestral Living Skills Community.
Our lives have since been intertwined, sometimes living in nearby areas and other times dropping in and reconnecting at whatever skills gathering we happen to both be attending.
Her successes while participating in the Alone show have brought tremendous pride to our community and reading the details of her personal experiences during her first season on that show written in such a readable and accessible style bring it all to life once again.
Whether or not you have watched the episodes of Alone Season 6 or not, this book is a great read!