New Wildcrafted Cuisine
New Wildcrafted Cuisine
Exploring the Exotic Gastronomy of Local Terroir
with detailed recipes for ferments, infusions, spices, and other preparations
by Pascal Baudar
This inspiring and acclaimed book is for everyone, from those who have never harvested a plant to experienced wildcrafters alike.
It teaches much more than just a few details about how to harvest, prepare and consume wild foods and instead sows the seeds of taking a whole new approach to our world and what we find in it.
Have never met Pascal in person but this book was highly recommended by a mutual student and have been following his work ever since.
423 pages in full color,
8.25” x 10.25” x 1.1”
list price $40
(Chelsea Green Publishing)
Wildcrafting Brewer
Botany In A Day
Edible Wild Plants, Volume 1
Foraging the Mountain West
Sustainable Harvest
Wild Wisdom of Weeds